Historical research involves the use of primary and secondary sources.
A primary source is a first-hand account, report or original data on or about an event. These sources are often created at or near the time of the event, by someone who experienced it. Examples may include:
Research Skills & Tips:
The MC Library has access to different kinds of search tools:
Use the tabs in the Search Tools box on this page to find suggested search tools to use for a variety of types of sources.
MC students, faculty, and staff can access all of our search tools and online resources from on- or off-campus.
Research Skills & Tips:
Unlike Google, library databases can't understand an entire sentence. You'll need to break your topic down into the most important ideas: the keywords. Keywords are individual words or short phrases that represent the main ideas in your topic, thesis, or research question.
Example Question: How did the use of tanks and armored vehicles impact the fighting in Normandy during World War II?
Keywords: tanks, armored vehicles, World War II, Normandy
After you've identified your main ideas and some keywords to start with, think of additional search terms for each concept. These can be synonyms, related ideas, broader terms, or narrower terms. Since a database will match only what you type, using different terms for similar ideas can help you find more articles.
Example Search Terms:
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If the options above did not help you find useful results, you may want to:
Research Skills & Tips:
Primary sources are frequently historical documents or images, and it is important to evaluate the content as well as the tool or resource you have used to access them.
Evaluate Your Access to the Primary Source:
Evaluate the Content of the Primary Source:
Research Skills & Tips:
Search for Historical Newspapers & Newsreels for HIST 258:
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