The MC Library has access to different kinds of search tools:
Use the tabs in the Search Tools box on this page to find suggested search tools to use for a variety of types of sources.
MC students, faculty, and staff can access all of our search tools and online resources from on- or off-campus.
Research Skills & Tips:
Unlike Google, library databases can't understand an entire sentence. You'll need to break your topic down into the most important ideas: the keywords. Keywords are individual words or short phrases that represent the main ideas in your topic, thesis, or research question.
Example Question: Why was the flu pandemic of 1918 so deadly?
Keywords: 1918 flu pandemic deadly
After you've identified your main ideas and some keywords to start with, think of additional search terms for each concept. These can be synonyms, related ideas, broader terms, or narrower terms. Since a database will match only what you type, using different terms for similar ideas can help you find more articles.
Example Search Terms:
Click on the research issue you're having below to see tips for addressing it:
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If the options above did not help you find useful results, you may want to:
Research Skills & Tips:
After you've selected your search tool, identified keywords, and fixed research issues, it's time to choose your sources. It is common to get more search results than you will use, so you must evaluate the sources you find to choose the best ones for your research.
Start by scanning the search results to locate sources that fit your research question or need. The search results page will include information about each source, such as the title, year, and abstract, to help you determine its relevance.
Once you've found a source you'd like to use, evaluate its credibility by considering the evidence, source, context, audience, purpose, and execution of the source. Learn more on the Evaluate Information and Fake News guide linked below.
Research Skills & Tips:
Scholarly books are nonfiction books usually based on academic research done by the author or authors. They can contain multiple chapters on different aspects of a particular topic, or they can focus entirely on one concept or idea.
When & Why to Use Scholarly Books:
Where to Go in the Library for Books on History?
General books on World History are organized chronologically in the section labeled "D." World History in the 20th century is covered in the sections D410 to D860.
Books in sections DA - DZ are organized by geography first, then chronologically by time period.
Books on American history are in the section labeled "E." American history in the 20th century is in sections E740 to E909.
Browse the library shelves in these call number areas to find materials relating to the history of each region.
D 1 - 2009 History, general
DA 1 - DR 2285 History of Europe
DE 1 - 100 History of the Greco-Roman World
DS 1 - 937 History of Asia
DT 1 - 3415 History of Africa
DU 1 - 950 History of Oceania
E 11 - 143 History of America
F 1 - 975 History of the United States
F 1201 - 3799 History of Latin America
Use RaptorSearch to find a book online at MC Library:
Search for Books and E-Books for HIST 114:
Research Skills & Tips:
Academic articles, sometimes also called journal articles or scholarly articles, are relatively short publications that academic researchers use to communicate new findings and ideas to other scholars. Articles are compiled in scholarly journals, which are essentially academic magazines that come out on a schedule. Many journal articles are peer-reviewed, which means they've gone through a formal review process before being published.
When & Why to Use Articles:
When searching for book reviews, look for longer, in-depth reviews of books published in journals, magazines, and newspapers. Short reviews (usually one paragraph) from magazines like Booklist, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, or School Library Journal are intended for librarians and booksellers that are purchasing books for their library or bookstore.
Search for Articles for HIST 114:
Academic Search Complete is a scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc..
Primary sources are original materials from people who have a direct connection with the event being investigated. Examples include speeches, interviews, diaries, letters, images, scrapbooks, artwork, music, manuscript, or other items created during the time of the event.
When & Why to Use Primary Sources:
Search for Primary Sources for HIST 114:
MC Library has access to streaming videos and audio, as well as DVDs and CDs. Different types of video and audio include documentaries, educational videos, mainstream movies, radio interviews, and podcasts. Additionally, users have access to a variety of images that can be used in their research.
When & Why to Use Videos or Media:
Search for Videos and Media for HIST 114:
This page will help you choose where and how to search for your sources. As you search, use the tips on this page to help you evaluate each source you find.
If you want to locate a particular journal, magazine, or newspaper, instead of an individual article, use the Journals by Title feature in RaptorSearch. Search by publication title, such as Newsweek or Psychological Bulletin, or get a list of all journals on your topic by browsing through the journal categories.