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Arab American Heritage: Watch

MC Library's Guide for Arab-American Heritage


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Identity & History

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5 Broken Cameras

5 BROKEN CAMERAS is a deeply personal, first-hand account of non-violent resistance in Bil'in, a West Bank village threatened by encroaching Israeli settlements. Shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, who bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of his youngest son.

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Feminism Inshallah: A History of Arab Feminism

The struggle for Muslim women’s emancipation is often portrayed stereotypically as a showdown between Western and Islamic values, but Arab feminism has existed for more than a century. This groundbreaking documentary recounts Arab feminism’s largely unknown story.

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The Feeling of Being Watched

In an Arab-American neighborhood, neighbors think they have been under surveillance for over a decade. While investigating their experiences, Assia uncovers tens of thousands of pages of FBI documents that prove her hometown was the subject of one of the largest counter terrorism investigations ever conducted.

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Monir: The Life and Work of Artist Monir Sharoudy Farmanfarmaian

This documentary looks at the life and work of Iranian artist Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, who first garnered attention in the 1970s when she pioneered contemporary forms of geometric mirror works.

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Constructing the Terrorist Threat: Islamophobia, The Media & The War on Terror

Deepa Kumar, a leading scholar on Islamophobia, argues that U.S. media have turned Arabs and Muslims into the new face of terror, even though homegrown right-wing violent extremist groups have far outnumbered attacks by Muslims and Arabs since Sept. 12, 2001.

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In the shadow of a wall stands a new generation of Palestinian. With defiant creativity they prove that no matter the height of the obstacle, one can always climb.

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The Judge

When she was a young lawyer, Kholoud Al-Faqih walked into the office of Palestine’s Chief Justice and announced she wanted to join the bench. He laughed at her. But just a few years later, Kholoud became the first woman judge to be appointed to the Middle East’s Shari’a (Islamic law) courts.

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In Bed With The Arab Spring

Women played a major role in the revolutions that swept across the Middle East, some even becoming icons. However, the days of the Arab Spring also marked a shocking and unchecked surge in sexual harassment cases suffered by women in Egypt.

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The Longest Kiss

As the Arab Spring was in full bloom, Sudan, straddling the Middle East and Africa, was about to split in two. The film follows six young Sudanese searching for a place to call home as their journeys take us up and down the Nile, between North and South Sudan, ahead of the South’s secession.

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Palestine Blues

Filmed at times with a hidden camera and at times under extreme duress, Palestinian-American filmmaker Nida Sinnokrot gives us a lasting chronicle of a people and their ancient life-giving orchards, ever threatened by destruction.

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Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People

The film explores a long line of degrading images of Arabs-from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding "terrorists"-along the way offering devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypic images, their development at key points in US history, and why they matter today.

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Speed Sisters: The First All-Woman Race Car Driving Team in the Middle East

The Speed Sisters are the first all-woman race car driving team in the Middle East. Grabbing headlines and turning heads at improvised tracks across the West Bank, these five women have sped their way into the heart of the gritty, male-dominated Palestinian street car-racing scene.

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They Call Me Muslim: Muslim Women and the Decision to Wear a Hijab

In popular Western imagination, a Muslim woman in a veil – or hijab – is a symbol of Islamic oppression. But what does it mean for women’s freedom when a democratic country forbids the wearing of the veil?

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