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ENGL 101 & 011: Find Sources: ENGL 101/ENGL 011

A dedicated research guide including library online tutorials for ENGL101/ENGL 011 classes.

Workshop: Investigative Skills: Foundations of Searching

Investigative Skills: Foundations of Searching for ENGL 101 covers information about types of sources and how to use library search tools and databases. Please visit the registration page, linked below, to sign up for this workshop! (Dates will be updated as workshops are added to the schedule.)

Workshop Activities & Other Resources:

Search Tools for ENGL 101

Academic articles, sometimes also called journal articles or scholarly articles, are relatively short publications that academic researchers use to communicate new findings and ideas to other scholars. Articles are compiled in scholarly journals, which are essentially academic magazines that come out on a schedule. Many journal articles are peer-reviewed, which means they've gone through a formal review process before being published. 

When & Why to Use Articles:

  • You need information based on research and expertise.
  • You need detailed information that focuses on a narrow topic.
  • You need to find peer-reviewed material or ensure that the information you find is accurate.

Search for Articles for ENGL 101:

RaptorSearch Logo

Note: On the RaptorSearch results page, refine your results by clicking Articles under Source Type.

Research Skills & Tips: 

Scholarly books are nonfiction books usually based on academic research done by the author or authors. They can contain multiple chapters on different aspects of a particular topic, or they can focus entirely on one concept or idea.

When & Why to Use Scholarly Books:

  • You need to understand a complex topic. Books are generally easier to read than journal articles.
  • You need very in-depth analysis of a topic.
  • You need a broad understanding of one or more topics.
  • You need a summary of existing research on a topic.

Search for Books and E-Books for ENGL 101:

RaptorSearch Logo

Note: On the RaptorSearch results page, refine your results by clicking Books under Source Type.

Research Skills & Tips:

Newspapers are often the only source of information for events that are so recent that they have not yet made it into other sources.

When & why to use Newspaper articles:

  • You need information on local, national or international events
  • You need in-depth reports on selected current issues
  • You want to find editorials and opinions on issues

Search for Newspaper Articles for ENGL 101:

Find Sources

"Find Sources." Magnifying Glass.

This page will help you choose where and how to search for your sources. As you search, use the tips on this page to help you evaluate each source you find.

Journals by Title

If you want to locate a particular journal, magazine, or newspaper, instead of an individual article, use the Journals by Title feature in RaptorSearch. Search by publication title, such as Newsweek or Psychological Bulletin, or get a list of all journals on your topic by browsing through the journal categories.