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ENGL 101 & 011: For Faculty: "You Quote It" Workshop Materials

ENGL 101 Library Instruction Options

Faculty, please fill out the Library Instruction Request form to set up an ENGL 101 workshop: 

  • You Quote It, You Note It: Avoiding Plagiarism in ENGL 101
  • Investigative Skills: Foundations of Searching in ENGL 101 - PAUSED for Fall 2024, we're working on new content!

Asynchronous materials are available, if you prefer to assign the content to students independently or use workshop components in your own class.

You may also use the instruction request form to schedule a custom library instruction session for your students, based on a research assignment. 

Asynchronous Materials: You Quote It, You Note It: Avoiding Plagiarism in ENGL 101

Librarians encourage faculty to have students attend a live, online drop-in workshop as scheduled. However, we understand that will not be feasible for all students. The materials linked below will allow faculty to teach the "You Quote It, You Note It: Avoiding Plagiarism in ENGL 101" library workshop in their own class session, or assign components to students. 

Session Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this lesson students will be able to: 

  • Define and identify examples of plagiarism  
  • Explain why academic integrity matters
  • Describe strategies for how to avoid plagiarism  
  • Understand the need for in-text citations
  • Define various sources and content uses
  • Identify formatting differences in MLA citations, based on the type of source
  • Identify and construct MLA citations for example sources

Part One: What Is Plagiarism?

Part Two: Using & Creating MLA Citations

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