This guide will help you understand how to develop your topic ideas into a manageable research topic.
Research is a long process. Try to choose a broad topic that is interesting to you and that fits the assignment parameters set by the professor.
Read through background information in an encyclopedia, dictionary, or database to learn about aspects of the topic that might interest you.
If you are unsure of what topic to start with, review the sources below for ideas.
If you are getting too many search results, then it is time to limit your topic to a particular approach to the issue!
Consider writing about one of these aspects of your broad topic:
Now turn your narrow topic into a topic statement by writing it out as a short sentence. This is known as a thesis or topic statement. It expresses the subject and purpose of your paper.
Ask yourself the following questions to evaluate the quality of your topic statement:
Watch this tutorial and practice using the activities / answering questions.
Check these resources below to learn more about how to develop a manageable research topic and select appropriate source types.
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