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Italian American Heritage: Watch

MC Library's Guide for Italian American Heritage

History & Culture

Finding the Mother Lode

Finding the Mother Lode

This film documents the experience of Italian immigrants in California, which was markedly different from that of their compatriots elsewhere in the United States. Through stories set in seven Italian communities throughout California, 'Finding the Mother Lode' examines how economic and social mobility became possible for many Italians in the Golden State. It is also a look at how immigrant identity is maintained and transformed as immigrants become assimilated into mainstream America.


Ma's Kitchen

Ma's Kitchen

Ma's Kitchen is a heartfelt one woman dramedy, narrated by an Italian mother who invites you to her dinner party to celebrate her daughter, "Mary." As "Mama" makes her secret sauce, she shares ingredients for a flavorful life, exploring themes of marriage, career, secrets, love and loss.

Language Videos

Parla Italiano? (Learning Italian)

Parla Italiano? (Learning Italian)

Planning a trip to Rome? Vacationing in Venice? the Standard Deviants can help you learn the basics of Italian. Starting with the alphabet, this tape covers numbers, days of the week, and simple dialogues. learning Italian is fun and easy when you use the Standard Deviants' unique brand of humor, mnemonics, visual devices, and memory builders! (Formerly titled "The Standard Deviants the Lively World of Italian: The Basics")

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