Visit the guide linked above to learn about the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style, including information on how to create in-text citations, a reference list, and how to cite different types of sources.
Provides quick guides, tutorials, sample papers and references as well as a built-in word-processing software with APA-formatted paper templates.
Visit the guide linked above to learn about the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style, including information on how to create in-text citations, a works cited list, and how to cite different types of sources.
The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is the style manual for legal documents and academic legal publishing in the United States. How you use The Bluebook and format your citations will depend on the type of assignment you are completing. Use the rules in the "blue pages" for practitioner documents like court documents or memoranda. Use the rules in the "white pages" for academic legal writing like law review or journal articles.
See the resources below for more information.
Citing sources provides credibility to your ideas and places them in an academic context. It is also an important part of academic integrity. Giving credit to other researchers and acknowledging their ideas avoids plagiarism.
MC Writing, Reading, & Language Centers
Tutors at the WRL Centers can provide feedback on your writing, including questions on properly citing your sources.