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ENES 100: Home

Where Do You Want to Start?

"Develop a Topic." Lightbulb.
Visit the Develop a Topic page for help with beginning your research with general background information. This will help you understand and refine your topic, develop research questions and search terms, and decide where to look for sources.
"Find Sources." Magnifying Glass.
Visit the Find Sources page for help selecting and using search tools to find articles, books, videos, and more.
"Evaluate Sources." File folders.
Visit the Evaluate Sources page for help determining whether the sources you've selected are credible, reliable, and relevant for your research goal.
"Cite Sources." Laptop, mouse, and pencils.
Visit the Cite Sources page to learn how to appropriately cite your sources and avoid plagiarism. Make sure to check your assignment or ask your professor which citation style you should use (e.g., APA, MLA, or another).

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Headshot of Abi Sogunro

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Abi Sogunro

Germantown Campus

Headshot of Amy Trost

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Amy Trost

Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus

Headshot of Chris Verdak

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Chris Verdak

Rockville Campus