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ENGL 102 & 103: ENGL 103

Resources for ENGL 103

Search for information about business and management: 

Company & Industry Research:

Additional resources & tips:

Search for information about nursing and health:

Additional resources & tips

Search for information about computer science:

Company & Industry Research:

In addition to research tips provided elsewhere on this toolkit, following focused resources will help you in writing business/technical proposals or scientific reports for ENGL 103. 

Additional resources & tips

CSE Citations

CSE Citations Guide

Visit the guide linked above to learn about the Council of Science Editors (CSE) citation style, including information on how to create in-text citations, a reference list, and how to cite different types of sources. The 9th edition of the CSE Style Guidelines was published in May 2024.

Always check with your course instructor to verify which style you should use when writing a paper.