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2024 Elections: Democracy & Rule of Law

Do you think the system of democracy in the United States is working, or not?

Poll conducted by Quinnipiac University Poll, published March 27, 2024. 1407 respondents from the United States.

Democracy poll results bar chart.

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Source: Do You Think the System of Democracy in the United States Is Working, or Not?  . Polling the Nations,

Democracy & Rule of Law

"When Donald Trump's supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to block certification of Joe Biden's presidential election, they ended America's 223-year run of peacefully transferring power. Most Republicans downplay the significance of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, while Democrats and a few Republicans demand accountability for what they call an attempted coup. Many observers fear the Capitol riot presages greater political violence... They cite new laws in Republican-led states that make voting more difficult, especially for people of color, and in some cases place responsibility for voter tallies in the hands of partisan officials. ... Experts say the United States risks a meltdown of its democratic institutions — and possibly even a new civil war."

Source: Broder, J. (2022). Political violence. In CQ Researcher. CQ Press

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