According to the definition, Plagiarism means "to use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own; to appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas from (another); or to put forth as original to oneself the ideas or words of another."
Is plagiarism related only to printed words?
No. Plagiarism is not just limited to printed information. It is also applicable to arts, performing arts, and even ideas and expressions.
How do I know if I am plagiarizing?
Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Intentional plagiarism is when you knowingly cheat, such as, by buying or copying a paper written by someone else. Unintentional plagiarism generally occurs when you:
forget to use a quotation mark on a quote that you use in your paper
use too many words from other sources and not enough of your own words/ideas
do not have a clear understanding of the citation conventions or documentation rules
Common Types of Plagiarism
What are the most common examples of plagiarism?
Global plagiarism: presenting an entire text by someone else as your own work.
Paraphrasing plagiarism: rephrasing someone else’s ideas without citation.
Verbatim plagiarism: directly copying a passage of text without citation.
Mosaic plagiarism: combining text and ideas from different sources without citation.
Self-plagiarism: reusing passages and ideas from your own previously submitted work.
Incorrect citation: failing to give all the necessary information in your source citation.
Learn More
Learn more about academic integrity and how to avoid plagiarism from the links below: